tentang beta:

Foto saya
Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
anak bungsu dari ayah (Cornelis Taga Doko) dan ibu (Jublina Huna Koreh), keturunan Sabu asli.. I AM ME!

Jumat, 28 Juni 2013

Day 5 & 6 - PASSED!

horraaaaaayyyyyyy (^.^)V

memasuki hari ketujuh, hari banyak godaan...tp saya bertekad untuk tetap menjalaninya sampai selesai, jadiiiiiiiiii doakan saya ya :)

xxx Ephie

Rabu, 26 Juni 2013

Day 4 - DONE!

Yaaaayyyyy...its the beginning of Day 5 now..i feel great!

Just now I remember once a man that I like told me this: "coba aja lu kurus pasti b mau deng lu..." Hahahahhahha and u know what my answer?? Here: "trus lu pikir klo b kurus, b bakal mau deng lu? Sondelah! Pasti b cari yg lebe bae.."

The moment I said that, I realize I have to respect myself better than anyone to me...
*dan dalam sekejap b lupa itu lakilaki pung nama* hahahhahahha

Selamat pagi..selamat memasuki hari ke 5 untuk bta..
Tuhan Yesus menolong..Tuhan Yesus menjaga..Tuhan Yesus menyertai kita semua..

Xxx ephie

Selasa, 25 Juni 2013

Day 3 - DONE!

in the middle of day 4 now, and wished that tomorrow I still can put slightly the same title in this blog :D :D :D


xxx ephie

Senin, 24 Juni 2013

Day 2 - DONE!

Nulis ini sambil menikmati tomat dan bayam untuk menu hari ini itu sesuatu...bangeeeet :) :)

Well at least Day 2 done already...and now in the middle of day 3..
another sneak peak again tomorrow :)


xxx ephie

Minggu, 23 Juni 2013


Hah...like living in a hell, so frustrating..no snacks, that's what i mean hahahahhaha...
#depressed karna tomat n bayam :D :D

Tapi mau mencoba dulu..semoga berhasil meskipun sedikit..SEMANGAT!!

xxx Ephie

Jumat, 14 Juni 2013

Word of Mine

Whenever I fall in love or learn to love someone, I teach myself about letting go at the same time. It should come balance in my mind the way it'll come in my life.